Friday, September 11, 2009

9 11 Gemis

I remeber
Watching TV with my dad.
Mom was in the kitchen making coffee
The movie Dad and I were watching changed to a news bulliten
We thought it was part of the movie
So we sat there that night watching
Watching the smoke
And then the second plane going into the towers
I vividly remember the bird infront of the camera the was the main view
and yelling out to Mom that something was happening
Then we sat there as a family not saying anything watching the towers burn and fall
Like part of a movie
But it was real life
Feeling compassion and saddness for our fellow beings

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I want your trees to die
Your land to not let anything grow
I want the cafe to be on fire
Your restaurant to fail
I want our dog to run away from you
I want you to get a disease
I want you to get even fatter
Your motorbike to be stolen
Your car to blow up
I want your brother to be in jail
I want you to hurt
And cry
And be sad
And wonder why
I want you to be lonely
And to feel what I feel
I want all of this
But I don't
All I really want
Is for you to love me
And miss me a little bit

Because I love you with my soul
And I miss you so much